The Sustainable Story

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How to talk about your responsible efforts

By John Shanahan

There’s no getting around it. Jewelry customers—and consumers in general—are becoming more attuned to the roles sustainability and ecological responsibility play in their purchase decisions. Which is great, because many jewelers are already bringing the same mindset into their daily businesses and practices, from the materials they use to their recycling policies, and beyond. With both sides finding their way into this shared territory, it’s inevitable that they’ll meet in the middle . . . maybe. For that to happen, jewelers have to effectively communicate which responsible practices they embrace, connect via marketing to those customers who share the same concerns, and potentially educate other customers on the hows and whys of what they’re doing. And amongst all that, they need to manage to avoid looking like they’re just trying to fill out the eco-friendly buzzword bingo card by saying all the right things.