MJSA Design Challenge 2019: Petra Class

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Striking the Right Note

8: Petra Class

I approached this project like I always approach designing with gemstones: I let the shapes and colors of the stones inspire me, playing with the elements like pieces in a puzzle and see where they guide me. Since Sarah is embarking on a career of making connections between people across nations and continents, a mosaic seemed the perfect vessel to express that, with all the parts connected and in a relationship with each other. Together, they form a complete and beautiful whole. The hexagonal shape of some of the stones support this idea wonderfully, as they fit together like a honeycomb. It is also meant as a wish for Sarah to fit the pieces of her life’s puzzle together just as interestingly as the stones her mother selected fit together.

Brooches are a great medium to convey meaning and content in jewelry. They make a statement and invite conversation, more so than most other pieces of jewelry. I wanted to encourage that aspect for this speci...